V8 350 ci engine, automatic transmission.
The car is a daily driver, does not require a comprehensive rebuild. It looks quite well, although the paint and the interior are by no means perfect. We have tried to show all the imperfections in the pictures. It is a typical 10-footer (looks nice from the distance of 10 feet), but when you take a closer look, all paint defects become clearly visible. There are also a few rips here and there on the seats, some plastic panels are missing in the foot wells. New door panels.
The engine and the transmission work well, but the main front seal is defective and the oil leak is quite serious. The transmission is leaking some fluid when the car is parked as well. This is definitely something that has to be addressed right away. All mechaical systems work, but have to be gone through to ensure that the car may be driven safely.
The car is a great joy to drive, and the rear end is very much willing to step out every time you press the accelerator in a corner. A beast that requires some taming.
The Corvette has very nice rims with brand new tires.
The car is registered, insured and ready to take on to the road.
PRICE: PLN 49 900